Let’s hope I’ve captured your imagination and you’re really interested in securing your future too. First you’ll need to see how you earn money straight away...OK so it’s not glamorous, but boy can you earn some great money, just from the catalogues and your online shop alone. Team building is where the residual income lies but read about the basics first, see how simple this business is to get off the ground. So long as you are over the age of 18. We can get you started immediately!

You earn 21% cash on all orders that you receive - the rest of the sales income you simply send to Kleeneze once your customers have paid you. When you start your Kleeneze business you are able to pay for your products ‘CASH WITH ORDER’ or, you can apply for a credit facility – This Credit facility enables you to order the products from Kleeneze and pay once you have received the money from your customers. This means there is never any stock purchase.
The more catalogues you put out, the more orders you will get and the more retail profit you will earn. The national average order is £1 per catalogue, so you will immediately see how much you can earn just from your own retailing. Once you have developed your customer base, then returns of over £3 per catalogue can be expected and good part-time monthly incomes of £200 - £600 can readily be achieved for as little as 10 hours work per week. More if you are working the business fulltime.
Getting Kleeneze Orders
You simply collect your catalogues from your customers’ doorstep. The catalogues will contain a completed order form, gather them together and make a bulk order to Kleeneze. Your order to Kleeneze can be done by via the internet. Your bulk order will then be delivered to your home, usually within 2 working days.
How do customers pay me?
When you deliver an order to a customer, they pay you by cash - simple! You keep your 21% commission (your Retail Profit) before paying Kleeneze the remaining balance. You never leave goods with customers until they are paid for. Thus, your business has a positive cash flow from the start
Where do I put my catalogues out?
You can leave your catalogues anywhere, as there are no allocated territories in this business. It is however, advised that you stay as close to home as possible to save yourself time and money. Your aim should be to gradually build yourself a customer base who will remain loyal to you. Customer service is therefore important. It simply means being reliable, consistent, polite and friendly.
Many distributors really enjoy retailing as it gives them the chance to meet people, to get plenty of fresh air and exercise, as well as increase their income, with flexible hours to suite your circumstances. You may from time to time overlap with other distributors, but this is not a problem as each person develops his/her own loyal customer base.
Can I work the business with small children?
This business is idea to work around a family. I personally took my own daughter out retailing with me and found it a brilliant way to make money whist being at home with her. I seriously do not know of any other business you can build alongside looking after your children.
Is 21% the most you can earn from retail?
No! You can earn volume related bonuses known as volume profit. For example: If you post and collect 200 Kleeneze catalogues per week you will, on average, turnover £800 in the 4 week sales period. This will entitle you to an extra 6% volume profit on top of your 21% retail profit (see table below).
So you can see that retailing £800 in a 4 week period (approx 8 hours work per week) would result in: £168 retail profit and an additional £48 volume profit = £216 per period**
If you have more time, are working with a partner or just wish to put more time into it, the amount of Kleeneze catalogues you work with could quite easily be doubled or trebled - resulting in your income being doubled, or trebled. However, there is a much more exciting way to develop your income with this business.
* Sales Plan Value (value allocated to each product for the purpose of calculating the amount of bonuses payable).
** 13 periods per year.
How to build a residual income from home
The networking side of Kleeneze gives you the opportunity to vastly increase your income through your efforts of introducing others to the business. The more people you help to become successful, the more successful you will become.

Each of the people in your Kleeneze team will be earning over £220 per month. As your group turnover has now increased to £4800 (6 x £800) then you move up the volume profit table to the 12% level. Your earnings would now be £504 every 4 weeks, or £126 per week. Not bad for very part-time hours!
"Worried about working this all out yourself? No problem, Kleeneze work everything out for you – you will get regular invoices and certificates of income to show you how much you are earning."
How many people do you know who would be interested in earning an extra £500 per month (£6000 per annum) working less than 12 hours per week? As you build your customer base your retailing returns will be much higher and some people in Kleeneze earn over £2000 per month just from retailing. The example below shows how your earnings would increase if you and each of your 5 people retailed £1600 in a 4-week period and just 2 of those people showed 5 people how to do the same.
When a distributor has a group turnover of more than £8225 in the 4-week period, they become a Gold Distributor. You will now be entitled to around 4.5% royalty bonus on each of your two Gold Distributors and of course, volume profit from the rest of your team who have not yet achieved Gold Distributor status. The above example would give you an income of approximately £1700 every 4 weeks, or £425 per week. Remember, you can introduce more than 5 people to the business and as people in your team start to duplicate your efforts, then your turnover and your income will increase.
Wealth warning